Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Don't you hate it when you're baby-sitting your siblings and they are seemingly incapable of doing anything but this?

Yeah. Me too.


  1. Kind of. But it also makes it easier:)

    1. It does make it easier sometimes...just not when the macaroni you worked so hard to make is getting cold because they won't come eat it. :)

  2. That doesn't sound too fun ... the only people I babysit are my baby siblings! I wish my baby brother was old enough to content himself. He just loves scratching my face ... :P

    1. Haha, no more babies in our house, our youngest is 4. :) And scratching your face? Sounds fun. :P

      I guess it's not that bad when they play them, I just hate video games in general... I was so happy when my mom boxed all of the consoles up and put them away! (Well, except for Pac-man/Ms Pac-Man.)

    2. It depends on the video games for me. I really hate the stupid battle/gory stuff. I like things like Fruit Ninja though! You like Pac-Man and Ms Pac-Man? My mom does (and that's not weird to say, at all ...). :P Pac-Man always scared me to death, even though I love the jellyfish dudes. Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Sue, I believe, though sometimes it's Joe.

    3. Haha, yeah it does depend on the games. I think old games like Pac-Man are pretty fun! :) The ghosts are awesome, although I always called the orange one Clyde....oh well. :)

  3. I call him/her Sue 'cause I was bowling once, and the arcade game said Sue and my friend and I memorized that. Then I found out he was Joe sometimes/many many more names. So totally confusing! I like the oldie games too, like Tetris. You ever played that? :P

    1. Haha, yeah it's confusing! And I've heard of Tetris, but I've never played it. Have you played the old Sega Genesis games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Aladdin? They're pretty awesome... :)

  4. Yes! We have this Sonic the Hedgehog, and it's so confusing. I made it past this one level ... and then I got stuck. :P But that's just my epic skills with things boys supposedly find interesting. I played Halo once, with my friend. She wouldn't let me shoot her, and there wasn't anything else to shoot, so I decided to shoot at a blank wall, and I told her not to move past there ... and of course she had to. :P She was not too happy with me. Halo, like all other gory video games, is not something I like.


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