Monday, November 21, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude I

Brooke over at her blog started something really cool for Thanksgiving week called "Attitude of Gratitude", and invited anyone who was to try it too to do so. Basically for the five weekdays of Thanksgiving week you post 5 things you are grateful for. It's such a great way to step back and take a look at all the wonderful thing that we have in our lives that we take for granted!

1. My family

The most important thing to me in the whole world is not a thing. It's a group of things. Six things to be exact. I don't know what in the world I would do without the love and support from my family! I love you guys! :)

I love my camera too . . .
this is my set of HP books
2. Books!

I love books. I love reading books. I love looking at books. I love feeling a book's pages. I even love smelling books. I. LOVE. BOOKS.

Took this one too . . .

3. Trees

Oh, how I love trees! Something about them . . . they're beautiful in the spring, they're pretty in the winter, they're handsome in the summer, and breathtaking in the fall.

4. Friends

I'm so lucky have such wonderful friends . . . they are constantly brightening up my days with how funny, trustworthy, and supportive they are.

5. Sunsets

Ah, sunsets . . . whenever I am in the presence of a gorgeous sunset I can't help but feel at peace.

You guys are welcome to participate too! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, all!

1 comment:

  1. I love your list Nicole! Books is the theme of my post today, actually! I'm so glad you are participating. The picture of your family is so pretty.
    Happy Thanksgiving!



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